ARTICLE 1 The name of this club shall be Emerald
Empire Vintage Auto Club
ARTICLE 11 Purpose
SECTION 1 To unite in a central organization all
families who own 1928 to 1975 vehicles, domestic or
foreign, who are interested in restoring and maintaining
them in a manner to attract prestige and respect within the
community, and it shall further be the purpose of this Club
to help these families become better acquainted and to
encourage and maintain among its members the spirit of good
fellowship and fair play through sponsored activities
involving their vehicles.
SECTION 2 The Club shall be non-commercial,
non-sectarian, non-racial and non-partisan. NO FOR SALE
SECTION 3 The motto of the Club shall be “AGED TO
PERFECTON.” The official Club Newsletter shall be “THE
SECTION 1 A prospective member may be given an
application for Membership, and a copy of the Club By-laws
at any regular meeting. Upon acceptance of the By-laws, a
completed application for membership may be submitted to the
club at the next regular meeting upon payment of appropriate
dues. Amendment March 14, 2004: One copy of EEVAC
Newsletter with cover letter and application may be sent to
Prospective Members.
SECTION 2 A prospective member must have a sincere
interest in vehicles of club years.
SECTION 3 All tours should be attended by members
who are driving or riding in Club Cars. Modern cars
are welcomed if unable to drive Club Cars, in order to
encouraged attendance, but must follow at the rear of the
tour group.
SECTION 4 All Club cars will be insured to be able
to participate in tours sponsored by the club. Evidence
of insurance will be included as part of the membership
application, and will be kept up to date by each member.
SECTION 5 Voting members of the Club shall include
members in good standing, their spouses, and dependent minor
unmarried children holding a valid Oregon drivers license
and residing at home.
SECTION 1 DUES-Amended June, 2014; The dues of this
club shall be $20 annually, and payable on or before
December 10th for the upcoming year for members
to be in the CLUB ROSTER. Members in the rears will lose
their voting rights and Newsletter privileges until paid up
The fiscal year of the club shall be November 1st
through October 31st. New members must pay their
dues at the time of entry. New member dues shall be prorated
as follows:
January – March $20
April-June $15
July- September $10
October - December $25 (includes next
full years dues)
ADVERTIZING-Amended June, 2014. Rates for advertizing will
be as follows;
Advertize in the Newsletter (business card size)
Members $15
Non-Members $30
Advertize in the newsletter with a link to their website on
the EEVAC webpage
Members $30
Non-Members $40
Advertize in the newsletter with a link to their web site on
the EEVAC web, 1/3 page ad
Members $60
Non-Members $70
Items for sale: No charge will be made for this service
SECTION 2 Expenditures-An expenditure of $50. in any
one month must have the approval of the Treasurer and an
expenditure of $ any one month the joint approval
of a majority of board members. Any expenditure larger than
$100 must be approved by 2/3 majority of members present at
regular monthly meeting.
SECTION 1 Business Meeting- Business meetings shall
be held monthly, at a time and place to be established by
Board of Directors for the purpose of transacting Club
business. Business meetings are to last no longer than two
hours, unless 2/3 of the members present agree to extend the
meeting beyond the two hour limit.
SECTION 2 Special Meeting and Social Events- The
telephone committee, The internet and/or the Newsletter will
be the mode of notification.
SECTION 1 Officers-The officers of the club shall
consist of a President, Vice-president, Secretary,
Treasurer, Historian, Editor, and the Webmaster.
SECTION 2 Election and Term of Officer-Volunteers
and/or nomination for the Club offices will be accepted at
the September meeting. Election of Officers will be held at
the regular Club meeting in October. The new Officers will
be installed at the annual Club Banquet to be held in
November. The term of office shall be one year. Officers for
the Club shall be elected by majority vote of those members
SECTION 3 Board of Directors-The board of Directors
shall consist of the Club officers, immediate Past
President, and one member elected at large. The duties of
the Board of directors shall be to meet when convened by the
President for the purpose of planning future meetings or
events and to qualify cars which will be representing the
club in public. The Board of Directors will also select the
recipient of the annual Club participation award
SECTION 4 President-The President shall be the
principle executive officer of the Club and shall in general
supervise the affairs of the Club. He/She shall preside at
all meetings of the members and shall perform all duties
incidental to the office of President.
SECTON 5 Vice-President-In the absence of the
President the Vice-President shall perform the duties of the
President. The Vice-President shall also act as Tour
SECTION 6 Secretary-The Secretary shall keep minutes
of the meetings and maintain any required Club documents, in
general, perform all duties incidental to the office of
SECTION 7 Treasurer-The Treasurer shall keep an
accurate account of all Club funds and shall, at each
meeting, report any expenditures made since the last
meeting. In addition, the Treasurer shall be responsible for
all Club property.
SECTION 8 Historian-The Historian shall maintain the
Club scrapbook and other historical materials pertaining to
the club. Amended March 14, 2004; The Historian shall take
pictures of all the events and maintain the Photo Album. At
least the last album shall be taken to each meeting and each
EEVAC Show Event.
SECTION 9 Editor-The Editor will be responsible for
preparing the newsletter and mailing it out to the Club
members and local clubs. In addition, the Editor will be
responsible for keeping a register of the mailing addresses
of each member, and publishing the annual Club roster.
SECTION 10 Sunshine Person: Club members or spouses
are to notify the sunshine person so they may take
appropriate action. This person is to be in charge of making
coffee for meetings and Club events, and purchasing supplies
and cups at the expense of the Treasury as necessary.
SECTION 11 Webmaster-The Webmaster will be responsible
for maintaining, and posting all articles and photographs on
the EEVAC website
ARTICLE V11 Amended March 14, 2004; Drawing for 50-50
Raffle at each meeting. There will be a 50-50-raffle drawing
held at each regular meeting. 50% will go to the club and
50% will go to the winning person.
ARTICLE V111 Amended March 14, 2004; “Peoples Choice
Award” will be determined by the vote of the public at the
Valley River Car Show. The winning car will be excluded from
winning the next three years.
ARTICLE 1X Amendments to By-Laws-Amended, or repealed
or new By-Laws may be adopted by 2/3 majority of the members
present at any meeting, provided notice is given to all
members in the Club’s Newsletter.